Sep 24, · Master's thesis presentation Helena Andersson: Multidimensional Data-Driven Modelling of Engine Test Cell Data. Using Gaussian Process Regression and Neural Networks to Model Volumetric Efficiency of Four-Stroke Internal Combustion Engines THE DEVELOPMENT AND OPTIMIZATION OF A HYDROGEN FUELED INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE by T roy Bralthwaite Bachelor of Science University of Nevada, Las Vegas A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Science Degree in Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering Howard R. Hughes College of Jun 01, · Model-Based Optimization of Combustion-Engine Control. The work presented in this thesis is motivated by the need to reliably operate a compression-ignition engine in a partially premixed combustion (PPC) mode. Partially premixed combustion is a low temperature combustion concept, where the ignition delay is prolonged to enhance fuel-air mixing
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Alcan, Gökhan Data driven nonlinear dynamic models for predicting heavy-duty diesel engine torque and combustion emissions. Diesel engines' reliable and durable structures, high torque generation capabilities at low speeds, and fuel consumption efficiencies make them combustion optimization thesis for heavy-duty vehicles in the market.
However, ine ciencies in the combustion process result in the release of emissions to the environment. In addition to the restrictive international regulations for emissions, the competitive demands for more powerful engines and increasing fuel prices obligate heavy-duty engine and vehicle manufacturers to seek for solutions to reduce the emissions while meeting the performance requirements. In line with these objectives, remarkable progress has been made in modern diesel engine systems such as air handling, fuel injection, combustion, and after-treatment, combustion optimization thesis.
However, such systems utilize quite sophisticated equipment with a large number of calibratable parameters that increases the experimentation time and effort to find the optimal operating points, combustion optimization thesis. Therefore, a dynamic model-based transient calibration is required for an e cient combustion optimization which obeys the emission limits, and meets the desired power and efficiency requirements.
Combustion optimization thesis thesis is about developing optimizationoriented high delity nonlinear dynamic models for predicting heavy-duty diesel engine torque and combustion emissions.
Contributions of the thesis are: i A new design of experiments is proposed where air-path and fuel-path input channels are excited by chirp signals with varying frequency pro les in terms of the number and directions of the sweeps. The proposed approach is a strong alternative to the steady-state experiment based approaches to reduce the testing time considerably and improve the modeling accuracy in both steady-state and transient conditions.
ii A nonlinear nite impulse response NFIR model is developed to predict indicated torque by including the estimations of friction, combustion optimization thesis, pumping and inertia torques in addition to the torque measured from the engine dynamometer. iii Two different nonlinear autoregressive with exogenous input NARX models are proposed to predict NOx emissions. In the first structure, combustion optimization thesis, input regressor set for the nonlinear part of the model is reduced by an orthogonal least square OLS algorithm to increase the robustness and decrease the sensitivity to parameter changes, and linear output feedback is employed.
In the second structure, combustion optimization thesis, only the previous output is used as the output regressor in combustion optimization thesis model due to the stability considerations. iv An analysis of model sensitivities to parameter changes is conducted and an easy-tointerpret map is introduced to select the best modeling parameters with limited testing time in powertrain development. v Combustion optimization thesis particulated matter emission is predicted using LSTM type networks which provide more accurate and smoother predictions than NARX models.
Combustion optimization thesis results obtained from the engine dynamometer tests show the e ectiveness of the proposed models in terms of prediction accuracies in both NEDC New European Driving Cycle and WHTC World Harmonized Transient Cycle cycles. Repository Staff Only: item control page. Data driven nonlinear dynamic models for predicting heavy-duty diesel engine torque and combustion emissions The system is temporarily closed to updates for combustion optimization thesis purpose.
Abstract Diesel engines' reliable and durable structures, high torque generation capabilities at low speeds, and fuel consumption efficiencies make them irreplaceable for heavy-duty vehicles in the market. ASCII Citation EndNote Reference Manager. Sabanci University Research Database is powered by EPrints 3.
Data driven nonlinear dynamic models for predicting heavy-duty diesel engine torque and combustion emissions. PDF - Requires a PDF viewer such as GSviewXpdf or Adobe Acrobat Reader 29Mb.
Heavy-Duty vehicles, combustion optimization thesis.
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, time: 30:12Research On Numerical Simulation Of Combustion Optimization For Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler

Mar 11, · Research On Numerical Simulation Of Combustion Optimization For Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler: Posted on Degree:Master Type:Thesis Country:China Candidate:D P Jia Full Text:PDF GTID Subject:Thermal Engineering Abstract/Summary Jun 01, · Combustion synthesis optimization. Process optimization is an important step for product development because it increases the economic value of the reaction. For process optimization, a desirability function was employed to maximize the HAp content. In this function, a HAp content of % was assigned a desirability score of , while for 0% a The contribution of this work is applying a CFD based interactive optimization method to a very mature intake port design. This thesis has shown that even an intake port worked on for multiple decades can be improved using computer aided engineering tools as well as current-day engineering optimization practices and knowledge
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