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(PDF) Expedited family group engagement and child permanency | Joan Pennell -
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Gale Burford. Myles Edwards. Download PDF Download Full PDF Package This paper. A short summary of this paper. Expedited family group engagement and child permanency. Children and Youth Services Review 32 — Contents lists available at Alexander barth dissertation Children and Youth Services Review j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w.
Such engagement can enlarge supports to help Received in revised form 22 March children stay alexander barth dissertation their parents or as needed, alexander barth dissertation, identify relative caregivers.
It, however, would appear Accepted 22 March especially challenging when children are removed on an emergency basis, alexander barth dissertation, without their parents' consent, Available online 28 March and from African American neighborhoods with longstanding tensions with public child welfare, alexander barth dissertation.
The Keywords: challenges are all the greater when alexander barth dissertation meetings must be rapidly convened so as not to undermine parents' Family engagement right to due process, alexander barth dissertation. This study in Washington District of Columbia examines the impact of family team Kinship foster care meetings convened within a hour period in advance of the hearing on where children were to live. Using Family reunification AFCARS data, the study compared the permanency outcomes for children who had a FTM with those who did Family group decision making not.
The meetings significantly increased the likelihood that children would be placed in kin foster homes, have family-group-type permanency goals, exit care faster, and be discharged to family or relatives. Family team meetings assist in re-conceptualizing client engagement from a worker—parent relationship to a partnership of family, community, and public agencies. All rights reserved.
Introduction who viewed families of origin with distrust. In the early s, kin foster care dramatically rose as demand for out-of-home care Removing children from their homes may protect them from expanded accompanied by a shrinking pool of nonkin homes and maltreatment while fraying family and community ties so impor- served as one means of advancing family-centered practice tant for their sense of attachment and security, alexander barth dissertation.
On exiting care, older youth beneficial. Kinship care significantly increases the likelihood that are at high risk of academic failure, alexander barth dissertation, mental health issues, poverty, children will have stable placements, keep in contact with their birth and victimization Courtney, Children need permanency, parents, and experience a better adjustment and reaction to their that is, lasting relationships maintaining their sense of family and placements and a greater sense of social support and well-being culture.
Metzger, One strategy for sustaining family connections is placing Relative caregivers, however, typically receive fewer services and children with relatives. Historically such an approach has been supports than non-relatives, and kinship placements have been informally applied by families, and such traditions are alexander barth dissertation reported to delay family reunification Cuddeback, Even when the two groups are matched on these the extended family and other community supports.
The formal use characteristics, states vary as to whether children placed with of relative care, though, alexander barth dissertation, was discouraged by child welfare agencies relatives or non-relatives return home faster Koh, These variations point to the influence of state policy and practice on foster care.
One means by which child welfare agencies increasingly seek to E-mail addresses: jpennell ncsu. edu J. PennellMEdwards AmericanHumane. org M. EdwardsGale. Burford uvm. edu G.
make placement decisions is by engaging families and their wider 1 Tel. and this approach has been encouraged by the U. Pennell et al, alexander barth dissertation. Given that African American, Latino, and American Indian expanding conceptualizations of family engagement. children are more likely than White children of European descent to be placed in care and stay there longer US GAO,family 2. Family team meetings group engagement is viewed as a potential means of reducing their disproportional placement in state care.
This hope is not 2. Initiation of program unfounded. When family groups take part in child welfare decisions, alexander barth dissertation, the Inalexander barth dissertation, the agency first applied FTMs to instances of emergency plans tend to keep children at home or with their relatives. This is a child removals in order to involve families in preparing recommenda- recurring finding for the most part across studies of family tions for presentation at the initial court hearing.
Subsequently CFSA meetings in child protection whether in the United Alexander barth dissertation or expanded FTMs into other service areas. hearing FTMs, parents often alexander barth dissertation of the allegations five minutes Although studies usually have small sample sizes and weak or no before the court session and arrived without supports, unable to comparisons, some of the larger U.
These court, alexander barth dissertation, CFSA sought to avoid locking in rulings that lacked the input of studies from different regions of the United States alexander barth dissertation that the larger family.
This gave the agency more time to locate and Families, prepare family to participate in the FTMs. This mandated their parents' consent. These difficulties are likely to be com- an inclusive planning approach that included not only the nuclear pounded for children of color from communities that have long- family but also their kin while still upholding the parents' right to a standing tensions with public child welfare who has operated in hearing in a timely manner.
In this context, alexander barth dissertation, how successfully do child reform child welfare in the District of Columbia, included unifying protective services access kinship placements? And what effect do abuse and neglect cases under CFSA, closing emergency shelters, these placements as compared with non-relative foster care have improving court—agency relations, reducing worker caseloads, in- on the rate by which children exit care to return to their parents or alexander barth dissertation worker visits to children in care, and strengthening licensing live with other relatives?
standards for group care Golden, The collaboratives emerged out of the emergency placements and before the court hearing on whether District of Columbia's rich history of community mobilizing that built the children would remain in care. The findings are based on a upon the assets of inner-city alexander barth dissertation Taylor, Washington, DC, culturally aware practice that preserves children's ties to their provides an urban context in which public child welfare had an communities.
Family group conferencing was first legislated in extremely poor record alexander barth dissertation serving largely African American Aoteoroa New Zealand after protests by indigenous people against neighborhoods, eventuating in a class action suit that moved Eurocentric professional approaches that undermined children and control under the federal court. FTMs were one part of the CFSA's young persons' connections to their extended family and cultural efforts to improve its performance and return control of child heritage Rangihau Many of CFSA's early FTM facilitators had welfare to the municipal government.
The analysis used data from the Adoption and Foster Care 2. Guiding principles Alexander barth dissertation and Reporting System AFCARSa national data base that offers a consistent reporting structure for child placements. The policy further stated that a social worker the protection of research participants. and-half hours. To guide practice, CFSA developed a series of The article begins by reviewing the initiation of FTMs in the principles for FTMs that supported a broad definition of family District of Columbia, how the model was developed, and the extent engagement.
Two of these are particularly informative of the agency's of family participation when a rapid response is initiated. Then the perspective on family engagement. In conclusion the article p. Comparable models determining courses of action that make sense to them. Thus, alexander barth dissertation, it extended the concept of the Minnesota's rapid response family case planning conferences and family to encompass not only kin but also the relevant community Nebraska's expedited family group conferences.
An important and cultural groupings. difference, though, was that the FTM program, like family group conferencing in New Zealand, was legislated while those in Minnesota and Nebraska were based on best practice mandates.
As described 2. Model development below, experiences with both these models indicate that family groups can be quickly mobilized to participate and their participation In developing FTMs, CFSA was influenced by two other extant encourages family-type permanency. models, the earlier mentioned family group conferencing as well as Minnesota's rapid response family case planning conferences were team decision making. Commonly the conferencing fit with CFSA's emphasis on family and community meetings took place in the hospital before discharging infants or inclusion in decision making, and team decision making supported children who had suffered trauma from abuse or neglect; the setting FTM's initial focus on children's emergency placements and the facilitated access by hospital alexander barth dissertation, law enforcement, and family necessity of an expedited process, alexander barth dissertation.
On average, the preparation took one hour, and the Family group conferencing sought to promote the wider family's meetings lasted 2.
A follow-up study of families whose conferences were preparing family and professional participants, a process often held in the prior two years found that in these very high risk cases, taking place over three alexander barth dissertation more weeks. Association, These conferences were and facilitated finalizing a plan supported by the family group and intended to focus on child placements and not to address alexander barth dissertation authorized by child welfare and other involved protective agencies.
of child maltreatment because at this stage they alexander barth dissertation not usually The meetings were typically between two-and-a-half and six hours adjudicated. On average, Anderson, the expedited conferences had 15 h of preparation and in attendance, FTMs shared some commonalities with family group conferencing 9 family members and 3.
and diverged in other ways. A no conferencing Weisz et al. Both groups were involved in the distinctive feature of FTMs was further dividing the coordinator role system alexander barth dissertation the same four-year period. CFSA staff groups. No statistically significant differences were found between were responsible for facilitating the meetings, and a combination of the two groups in regards to percentages of children discharged at the CFSA and child welfare collaborative staff coordinated the meetings.
end alexander barth dissertation the study period or their time to exiting the system. Regarding This made it possible for CFSA to tap into the child welfare placement type, the researchers reported that a significantly larger collaboratives' established relationships with the families in their percentage of the children with conferencing as contrasted with those neighborhoods.
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