The World Health Organization (WHO) defines female genital mutilation as “all procedures that involve partial or total removal of the external female genitalia, or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons. ” In this paper I will argue that female genital mutilation is an antiquated and unseemly practice and should Female Genital Mutilation Essay Topics: Pages: 5 ( words) / Published: May 16th, Continue Reading Female Genital Mutilation By: Kasey Jordana Female genital mutilation is cutting of the female genitals and it was considered a right of passage in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East Any subject. Any type of essay. We’ll even meet a 3-hour deadline. According to World Health Organization (WHO), Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is defined as “ all procedures involving partial or total removal of the external female genitalia or injury to the female genital Estimated Reading Time: 10 mins
Female Genital Mutilation: [Essay Example], words GradesFixer
Home female genital mutilation essay Essay Samples — Social Issues — Female Genital Mutilation — Female Female genital mutilation essay Mutilation. Any subject. Any type of essay. Human rights groups and health advocates use the term Female genital mutilation FGM mainly to emphasize the effects that are associated with its practice which are, physical, emotional and psychological consequences.
Activists use the term Female genital cutting FGC putting emphasis on the dangers and lastly, female genital mutilation essay, another term used is Female circumcision FC which, does not include the harm that is associated with the practice.
In other words, many activists believe that this term is misleading and ignores the invasive procedure associated with it because of the vivid comparison with the male circumcision regardless. The Origin of the tradition of Female Genital mutilation is not clearly known but its practice dates back at least years. Many people believe that FGM was commonly practiced in ancient Egypt representing a distinction amongst the aristocracy.
Scholars believe that it mainly started during the rise of slave trade when women entered the Arab societies. Some people believe the foundations of FGM came female genital mutilation essay the arrival of Islam with a connection of Arabs in some countries in sub-Saharan Africa.
Some believe that the practice developed within the different ethnic groups mainly in sub-Saharan Africa as a sign of puberty rites.
Overall, the practice of FGM seems to route back to ties of Africa and the merge of Islam religion, female genital mutilation essay. It is clear to say this evolved within the primitive communities that wanted to exert power or control over women, particularly the sexual behavior of women.
I understand, during the slave trade, both male and female slaves had to follow and do anything their masters ordered them to do. But in this modern generations after the abolition of slave tradewith advanced education, presence of Universal Human rights, many activists sensitizing people about the importance of respecting and protecting Human rights and Countries all over the world working for a goal of promoting world peace, harmony for each person give these primitive communities a right to still continue performing FGM, female genital mutilation essay, what do they justify their actions with.
TYPES OF FGM There are various ways or methods that are used for FGM in different parts of the world. According to the World Health Organization WHOthere are FGM is classified with four types that describe the different processes or procedures used all over the world. Girls undergo these procedures between birth and at the age of 15, however, FGM is said to happen at all ages even at adulthood. In some cultures mostly in Africa, FGM is basically justified to initiate little girls into adulthood as a way of testing or to establish their marriageability.
Particularly in Africa, there are about 3 million and more girls at risk of undergoing this practice every year. In order to understand more about the term FGM and the reasons that justify this harmful practice, we have to explore the female genital mutilation essay or places in the world in which FGM is practiced. According to World Health Organization WHOFemale Genital Mutilation is practiced in more than 27 countries in the continent of Africa and in some parts of Asia, Malaysia, and Indonesia.
In the west, it is more common among the immigrants in North America, Europe, and Australia. In these countries, female genital mutilation essay, the practice of FGM is justified with references to the different socio-cultural factors. People from the communities these claim that the practice is rooted in local culture and this traditional ritual is passed on from one generation to another.
Female Genital Mutilation FGM is not something new in this modern age, it is a practice that has lived for many generation and years way back. Many people have urged that such practices deprive women of their rights, these include scholars, religious leaders, doctors, policymakers, activists, Lawyers and ethicists to mention but a few, have condemned the practice of FGM for the past decades. They have all worked hard in the different fields to an end of such cruel acts to women in light of protecting their rights.
Medical experts have advocated for the end of these procedures because of the extremely harmful effects that are left with young girls and women who undergo this practice and not only physical effects but also mental health effects.
This is where a line has to be drawn that makes people believe in the ideology of protecting culture values over universal human rights. Some refer FGM as cultural practices that consist all different types of female genitalia from Clitoridectomy or removing the front part of the clitoris up through infibulation or removal of all if the external female genitalia that includes part of the Vagina using various methods.
Pg Fisaha Kg However, the techniques that the practitioners use change in different regions over time. The local terminologies of these practices pose a great deal in the hindrance of stopping the practices. For example, in Arabic, the terminology for circumcision for both females and males is referred to as Khitan or Tahara or tahur which are commonly used in both Egypt and Sudan.
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Female Genital Mutilation Essay Words | 7 Pages. Female Genital Mutilation Introduction Pain, shame, lack of ability to reproduce. Marie, who suffers from each of these symptoms, is one of the many women from Africa who have suffered from female genital mutilation. When Marie was only two years old, she had her clitoris and labia cut off Female Genital Mutilation Essay Topics: Pages: 5 ( words) / Published: May 16th, Continue Reading Female Genital Mutilation By: Kasey Jordana Female genital mutilation is cutting of the female genitals and it was considered a right of passage in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East The World Health Organization (WHO) defines female genital mutilation as “all procedures that involve partial or total removal of the external female genitalia, or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons. ” In this paper I will argue that female genital mutilation is an antiquated and unseemly practice and should
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