Thesis Topics for Students. The following is a list of some easy topic ideas for students to write a thesis paper. Senior Thesis Topics. The industrial revolution has increased the List of Thesis Title for Information Technology Students List of Thesis Title for Information Technology Students is a vast field of topics for a student to pick his thesis from it. In this IT is the mother of all the other technical fields today Mobile phones and Communication network have brought the world closer. All thanks to electronics and communication engineers working towards the development of these electrical products. Talking about academics, students are often confused about which topic to choose in electronics and communication for project, thesis or for the seminar
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Filter By School. Filter By Year. Thesis submitted and awarded by IIT Bhubaneswar Total Results: Researcher: Krishna Pada Bauri Supervised By: Dr. Arindam Sarkar Turbulent flow around fully submerged circular and square cylinders over plane and scoured beds subjected to change of alignment angle, SIF Infrastructure.
Researcher: Balija Sivakrishna Supervised By: Dr. Shantanu Pal Synthesis with Anti-Cancer Potency of Modified Nucleosides and Development of New Synthetic Avenue to Cyclitols, SBS Basic Phd thesis on mobile communication. Researcher: Pintu Prusty Supervised By: Dr.
Syed Hilal Farooq Effect of saltwater intrusion on coastal groundwater quality and aquifer sediments, SEOCS Earth Ocean and Climate Sciences, phd thesis on mobile communication.
Avijit Gangopadhyay Multiscale circulation variability using high frequency hf radar current observations along the Indian coast, SEOCS Earth Ocean and Climate Sciences. Researcher: Anurag Priyadarshi Supervised By: Dr. Srinivas Bhaskar Karanki Development of transformerless power electronic converter topologies for high-voltage-gain applications, SES Electrical Sciences.
Researcher: Ansuman Padhi Supervised By: Dr. Mihir Kumar Pandit Static, vibration and impact behaviour of laminated sandwich plate, SMS Mechanical Sciences. Researcher: Kusha Kumar Naik Supervised By: Prof. Saroj K. Chandra Sekhar Rout Multi-functional nanosheet arrays for field emission and biosensing applications, SBS Basic Sciences, phd thesis on mobile communication. Researcher: Anil D, phd thesis on mobile communication.
Pathak Supervised By: Dr. Kisor Kumar Sahu Nanoporous Silicon Anode For Lithium-Ion Batteries, SMMME Minerals, Metallurgical, and Materials Engineering. Researcher: Nikhil Kumar Sharma Supervised By: Dr, phd thesis on mobile communication. Subhransu Ranjan Samantaray Development Of New Protection Schemes For Microgrid, SES Electrical Sciences. Researcher: Suman Malik Supervised By: Dr.
Prasant Kumar Sahu Optical Wireless for Next Generation CommunicationSES Electrical Sciences. Researcher: Brundaban Beriha Supervised By: Dr. Umesh Chandra Sahoo Design of Long-Life Composite Pavements, SIF Infrastructure.
Researcher: Shalini Supervised By: Dr. Subhransu Ranjan Samantaray Enhancing Wide-Area Back-Up Protection Schemes for Power Transmission Network, SES Electrical Sciences, phd thesis on mobile communication. Researcher: Prajna Parimita Mishra Supervised By: Dr.
Chandrashekhar Narayan Bhende Development and Performance Evaluation of Islanding Detection Schemes for Inverter based Distributed Generation SystemsSES Electrical Sciences. Researcher: Saikat Pramanik Supervised By: Dr. Sourav Sil Investigation of Surface and Subsurface Processes in the Bay of Bengal using Biophysical Regional Ocean Modeling System ROMSSEOCS Earth Ocean and Climate Sciences.
Researcher: Madhukrishna Priyadarsini Supervised By: Dr. Padmalochan Bera Design and Development Of Efficient And Secure Traffic Management Architecture For SDNSES Electrical Sciences, phd thesis on mobile communication. Researcher: Virendra Kumar Supervised By: Dr. Researcher: Biswajit Sahoo Supervised By: Dr. Subhransu Ranjan Samantaray Development Of Primary And Back-Up Protection Schemes For Seriescompensated Transmission Phd thesis on mobile communication, SES Electrical Sciences.
Researcher: Pratik Kumar Kar Supervised By: Dr. Srinivas Bhaskar Karanki Design And Development Of Modified Multilevel Inverter Topologies With Improved Switching Techniques For Single-Phase Applications, SES Electrical Sciences. Researcher: Pragin C. Supervised By: Dr. Researcher: Silani Sahoo Supervised By: Dr. Bharat Bhushan Jha Microstructure, mechanical and tribological behaviour of titanium diboride reinforced steel matrix compositesSMMME Minerals, Metallurgical, and Materials Engineering.
Researcher: Abhijit Rout Phd thesis on mobile communication By: Dr. Arindam Sarkar Flow And Scour Characteristics Around Fully Submerged Tandem And Skewed CylindersSIF Infrastructure. Researcher: Sushree Sova Barik Supervised By: Dr. Raj K. Subhasish Tripathy A Multi-Proxy Approach To Assess The Coastal Lagoon Environment And Its Implication On Late Holocene Monsoon Variability Over Mahanadi BasinSEOCS Earth Ocean and Climate Phd thesis on mobile communication. Researcher: Kamalakanta Sethi Supervised By: Dr.
Padmalochan Bera Design of Advanced Cryptography and Intrusion Detection System for Cloud NetworksSES Electrical Sciences. Researcher: Arijit Sinhababu Supervised By: Dr. Anirban Bhattacharya An Efficient and Accurate Dealiasing Scheme for Underresolved Pseudo-spectral Simulations of Transport Phenomena Problems with Steep GradientsSMS Mechanical Sciences.
Researcher: Ranjeet Kumar Singh Supervised By: Dr. H Padmanabhan Study of Particulate Flow in a Centrifugal Fluidized SeparatorSMMME Minerals, Metallurgical, and Materials Engineering. Researcher: Suraj Jena Supervised By: Prof. Panda Sustainable Groundwater Development and Management in a Tropical Savanna Region of Eastern IndiaSIF Infrastructure. Researcher: Aditi Nayak Supervised By: Dr.
Researcher: Dharmendra Dixit Supervised By: Dr. Pravas Ranjan Sahu Performance of cooperative communication systems over symmetric and mixed fading channels, SES Electrical Sciences. Researcher: Srikanth Allamsetty Supervised By: Dr. Researcher: Anuradha Mohanty Supervised By: Prof.
Researcher: Himadri Baisya Supervised By: Dr. Sandeep Pattnaik Factors modulating convection during the transition phase of intense rain-bearing systems over the Indian region, SEOCS Earth Ocean and Climate Sciences.
Researcher: Narala Gangadhara Reddy Supervised By: Dr. Hanumantha Rao Geotechnical and geoenvironmental characterization of red mud with different amendments, phd thesis on mobile communication, SIF Infrastructure. Researcher: Ayon Chakraborty Supervised By: Dr. Ashis Biswas Role of various environmental stresses and small materials on the structure and function of mycobacterium leprae HSP18 - a biopfysical study, SBS Basic Sciences.
Researcher: Malaya Mohanty Supervised By: Dr. Partha Pratim Dey Operational effects of U-turns at median openings on six-lane divided urban roads, SIF Infrastructure. Researcher: Raj Kishore Supervised By: Dr. Kisor Kumar Sahu Development of new modularity function for unsupervised machine learning in granular materials, SMMME Minerals, Metallurgical, and Materials Engineering.
Researcher: Anil Kumar Verma Supervised By: Prof. Prasenjit Rath Conjugate heat transfer in turbid media, SMS Mechanical Sciences. Researcher: Santosh Kumar Sahoo Supervised By: Dr. Mihir Kumar Das Temperature Control of Electronic Component using Phase Change Material Based Heat Sink, SMS Mechanical Sciences.
Researcher: Santhosh K. Debi Prasad Dogra Computer vision in intelligent transportation systems : challenges and possibilities, SES Electrical Sciences. Researcher: Mihir Ranjan Sahoo Supervised By: Prof. Saroj Kumar Nayak Interfacial electronic structure of low dimensional carbon based systems: magnetic and catalytic properties, SBS Basic Sciences. Researcher: Bikash Mahato Supervised By: Dr. Yogesh G. Bhumkar Numerical analysis of Aeolian tone generation and its control for laminar flow past bluff bodies, SMS Mechanical Sciences.
Researcher: Sumit Dass Supervised By: Dr. Rajan Jha Design,fabrication and applications of optical microfiber based structures as curvature and acoustic sensors, SBS Basic Sciences.
Researcher: Kajari Chatterjee Supervised By: Dr. Kisor Kumar Sahu Task specific room temperature ionic liquids: design and syntheses for separation and energy applications, SMMME Minerals, Metallurgical, and Materials Engineering.
Researcher: Horthing Z V Supervised By: Dr. Syed Hilal Farooq Hydro-geochemistry of thermal spring water of odisha and evaluation of their geothermal potential, SEOCS Earth Ocean and Climate Sciences. Researcher: Prakash Kumar Panda Supervised By: Dr. Debalina Ghosh Performance enhancement of antennas using metasurfaces, SES Electrical Sciences. Researcher: Uttam Kumar Chanda Supervised By: Dr.
Soobhankar Pati Electrodeposited Ni-Cr-P and Ni-Mo-Cr-P coatings for metallic bipolar plates inpolymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell, SMMME Minerals, Metallurgical, and Materials Engineering. Researcher: Amman Jakhar Supervised By: Dr. Mahapatra Conjugate Heat and Mass Transfer In Binary Alloy Phase Change With Thermal Anisotropy, SMS Mechanical Sciences, phd thesis on mobile communication. Researcher: Gurjeet Singh Supervised By: Prof. Rabindra Kumar Panda Regional Scale Soil Moisture Estimation Using In-Situ Measurements and Microwave Remote Sensing TechniquesSIF Infrastructure.
PhD Dissertation Ideas in Communication - PhD Thesis Ideas in Communication
, time: 1:18Latest Thesis topics for Electronics and communication Engineering (ECE)

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